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Aantal resultaten: 11( DE:"intersekse jongeren" )


Und dennoch Ja zum Leben : die Jugend eines Intersexuellen in den Jahren 1915-1933  / 

Erich Amborn.Schaffhausen: Meier, 1981 - 221 p.
uitgave: Schaffhausen: Meier, 1981 - 221 p.
samenvatting: Der pseudonyme Autor, ein "dipl. Psychologe", schildert den Lebensweg einer Frau, die keine sein will; dass es sich bei dem Buch eigentlich um eine Autobiographie handelt, wird nicht erwähnt.

signatuur: cat. (ambor/und) b

Und dennoch Ja zum Leben : die Jugend eines Intersexuellen in den Jahren 1915-1933
cat. (ambor/und) b
Erich Amborn.

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions

Melbourne: State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
uitgave: Melbourne : State of Victoria, 2013 - 31 p.
  1. intersekse
samenvatting: This document is a resource for Victorian hospitals responsible for the healthcare of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions. The Victorian Department of Health, in collaboration with leading experts in the field, has developed this resource to assist decision makers to make the best possible decisions in this complex area. The resource synthesises the advice of the Victorian Government, medical, human rights, ethical and legal experts, and community advocates, and outlines best-practice principles to be applied to decision making. It is intended to assist decision makers to safeguard the best interests of patients.

signatuur: cat. (decis/pri)

dgb grijs

Decision-making principles for the care of infants, children and adolescents with intersex conditions
cat. (decis/pri)dgb grijs

Supporting your intersex child.

Brussels: IGLYO ; [etc.], 2019 - 37 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brussels : IGLYO ; [etc.], 2019 - 37 p.: ill.
  1. kinderen
  2. intersekse
samenvatting: A toolkit to provide essential guidance to ensure intersex babies, children and youth receive the support and protections they need.

signatuur: cat. (suppo/you)

dgb grijs

Supporting your intersex child.
cat. (suppo/you)dgb grijs

Intersexuality in the Family: An Unacknowledged Trauma  / Arlene Istar Lev.

Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy, 10 (2006) 2 (oct)
bron: Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy jaargang: 10 (2006) 2 (oct)
samenvatting: Abstract: People born with intersex conditions experience trauma and stigma that have not been fully recognized by the medical and therapeutic professions. Current treatment protocols require rapid diagnosis followed by surgical alteration of infants born with ambiguous genitalia which has led to a lack of thorough attention to the psychosocial issues faced by these children and their families. Histories of surgery and silence have left children and families unable to address many of the traumas associated with intersexuality, including stigma, shame, surgical complications, and potential questions about sexual and gender identity. This article outlines recommendations for alternative treatment protocols. In addition to withholding unnecessary surgeries until children born with disorders of sex development are old enough to be involved in decisions regarding their medical treatment, this approach calls for the inclusion of social workers and other mental health experts as part of an interdisciplinary treatment team to serve as advocates, educators, psychotherapists and family systems experts, addressing ongoing issues in the lives of families and children living with intersex conditions.

signatuur: dgb artikelen (lev/int)

Intersexuality in the Family: An Unacknowledged Trauma
dgb artikelen (lev/int)
Arlene Istar Lev.
Journal of Gay & Lesbian Psychotherapy

Model Policy: Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Youth in Confinement Facilities  / Shannan Wilber, Jason Szanyi.

Washington, DC: National PREA Resource Center ; National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), 2019 - 27 p.: ill.
uitgave: Washington, DC : National PREA Resource Center ; National Center for Lesbian Rights (NCLR), 2019 - 27 p.: ill.
  1. geweld/discriminatie
  2. jongeren
  3. transgender
  4. intersekse
samenvatting: This guide discusses PREA standards relevant to Trans/Gender Non-conforming/ Intersex youth populations governing a range of practices, including risk assessment, housing and classification, searches, and privacy. This new resource offers practical policies that operationalize the standards and provide clear guidance to facility staff about promoting the safety and well-being of TGNCI residents.

signatuur: cat. (wilbe/sza)

dgb grijs

Model Policy: Transgender, Gender Nonconforming, and Intersex Youth in Confinement Facilities
cat. (wilbe/sza)dgb grijs

None of the above : The Transgender and Intersex Youth Vision For 2020  / translated [from Finnish] by Elsa Lehtonen ... [et al.].

[Helsinki]: Trasek ; Transtukipiste ; SETA, 2020 - 27 p.
uitgave: [Helsinki] : Trasek ; Transtukipiste ; SETA, 2020 - 27 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. transgender
  3. intersekse
samenvatting: This leaflet is an agenda in which social and judicial rights are presented that young transgender and intersex people should have in Finland by 2020. The purpose of this agenda is to give a voice to the gender minorities and act as a guideline when issues relating to this group of people are discussed and decisions made. This leaflet was a part of the 'None of the Above - young transgender and intersex people's vision for 2020' project.

signatuur: cat. (none/abo)

dgb grijs

None of the above : The Transgender and Intersex Youth Vision For 2020
cat. (none/abo)dgb grijs

Als seks(e) niet vanzelfsprekend is: Een levensloopperspectief op de relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling van jonge intersekse personen  / Marianne Cense, Mir Abe Marinus.

Utrecht: Rutgers ; Nijmegen : Stichting NNID, Nederlandse organisatie voor seksediversiteit, 2023 - 87 p.
uitgave: Utrecht : Rutgers ; Nijmegen : Stichting NNID, Nederlandse organisatie voor seksediversiteit, 2023 - 87 p.
  1. relaties/leefvormen
  2. intersekse
samenvatting: In dit rapport beschrijven we de bevindingen van ons kwalitatieve onderzoek naar de seksuele en relationele ontwikkeling van intersekse jongeren. Dit onderzoek is gebaseerd op achttien interviews. Het doel van dit onderzoek is om inzicht te krijgen in de relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling van jonge intersekse personen en in de factoren en actoren die hun relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling beïnvloeden, om zo ondersteuningsinspanningen gericht op het verbeteren van hun relationele en seksuele ervaringen te verbeteren. Onderzoeksvragen zijn : 1. Hoe ervaren jonge intersekse personen hun relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling? 2. Welke factoren, actoren en levensgebeurtenissen van jonge intersekse personen dragen bij aan een positieve relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling, en welke factoren vormen barrières om dit te bereiken? 3. Welke behoeften aan ondersteuning hebben jonge intersekse personen?

signatuur: cat. (cense/mar)

dgb grijs

Als seks(e) niet vanzelfsprekend is: Een levensloopperspectief op de relationele en seksuele ontwikkeling van jonge intersekse personen
cat. (cense/mar)dgb grijs

Steun je intersekse kind

Brussels: IGLYO ; [etc.], [2020] - 37 p.: ill.
uitgave: Brussels : IGLYO ; [etc.], [2020] - 37 p.: ill.
  1. kinderen
  2. intersekse
samenvatting: Een toolkit die essentiële begeleiding biedt om ervoor te zorgen dat intersekse baby's, kinderen en jongeren de steun en bescherming krijgen die ze nodig hebben.

signatuur: cat. (steun/je)

dgb grijs

Steun je intersekse kind
cat. (steun/je)dgb grijs

Supporting gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children and young people policy.

[Adelaide]: Government of South Australia, Department of Education, 2024 - 19 p.
uitgave: [Adelaide] : Government of South Australia, Department of Education, 2024 - 19 p.
  1. rechtspositie
  2. intersekse
samenvatting: This policy outlines the responsibilities of the Department for Education's corporate, schools, preschool, school and care settings for supporting all children and young people to have equal opportunities for the best learning and wellbeing outcomes, regardless of gender diversity and identity, intersex status or sexual diversity. This policy aims to ensure that: - all children and young people receive a quality education in a safe, supportive, and inclusive environment, free from discrimination, bullying and harassment regardless of intersex status, sexual orientation, gender identity or gender expression - all staff understand and meet their obligations to protect the above entitlement - the department complies with legislative requirements under the: Equal Opportunity Act 1984 (SA) as amended by the Statutes Amendment (Gender Identity and Equity) Act 2016 (SA), Sex Discrimination Act 1984 (Cth) as amended by the Sex Discrimination Amendment (Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity And Intersex Status) Act 2013 (Cth) and as outlined at related legislation.

signatuur: cat. (suppo/gen)

dgb grijs

Supporting gender diverse, intersex and sexually diverse children and young people policy.
cat. (suppo/gen)dgb grijs

Gender diverse and intersex children and young people support procedure.

[Adelaide]: Government of South Australia, Department of Education, 2024 - 19 p.
uitgave: [Adelaide] : Government of South Australia, Department of Education, 2024 - 19 p.
  1. zorg/hulpverlening
  2. intersekse
samenvatting: The department is committed to providing a safe and supportive learning environment where every child and young person is respected and diversity is valued. This procedure supports staff to create an inclusive learning environment where intersex and gender diverse children and young people know they belong. It provides guidance for the support of gender diverse children and young people, some of whom might want to affirm a gender identity that is different from their assigned gender at birth. This process is often referred to as gender transition, gender affirmation or social transition. The procedure also provides information to help staff support children and young people with intersex variations if required. The procedure outlines the specific arrangements that can be made to create an inclusive and safe education environment for these children and young people. It does not cover every possible situation. The diversity of children and young people, and their families and the local contexts of each learning setting will impact how you put the procedure in place. The needs of a child or young person must be assessed on an individual basis, taking into consideration each child or young person's circumstances.

signatuur: cat. (gende/div/int)

dgb grijs

Gender diverse and intersex children and young people support procedure.
cat. (gende/div/int)dgb grijs


( DE:"intersekse jongeren" )

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